Magic Place, originally uploaded by minaluche
To dream that you see a ribbon of black topped road stretching out before you means you have a great desire to travel. To actually drive on one you will be taking a trip shortly for pleasure. For the younger set it means they have many ambitions and noble aspirations as it stretches toward their chosen goals.
Eating macaroni in a dream could mean you are in for various small losses. Seeing it in large quantities means you are being urged to economize and save money. In general, it is a warning that your finances may take a downward spiral if you are not vigilant.
A dream of machinery is an omen of success after adversity. If the machinery you will have to overcome some enemies to reach your goals. If you are caught or injured in the machinery then will you suffer unhappiness and loss. Well oiled machinery means you will have a smoothly running marriage and home life.
To see a mad dog in your dream means you will be under some sort of attack from strangers who would distroy your business. If you manage to kill the dog or escape with no injuries then this will denote that you will escape all harm at the hands of an enemy. To see someone else kill the dog means you will have a staunch supporter.
A dream of madness is never a fortunate sign but again this is something that must be taken in context of the entire dream. Should you dream of being mad yourself you will fall into grievous error unless you act to correct your actions. Being mad also denotes that you may suffer a loss of property through sickness. To see others suffering from this shows you have false friends and should beware.
A maggot is a filthy, loathsome, little thing that turns into a filthy, annoying fly, and as such it is representative of someone in your life, or someone you know well, who is lazy and good for nothing, and who may be leeching off your generosity. Search the rest of your dream and you will be able to pinpoint the whole warning.
To dream of magic and magicians denotes many pleasant happenings in your life and portends happiness and success. If you dream of seeing a magician you can expect some travel in the near future. To see others performing this art shows the dreamer will have many profitable changes taking place in his or her life.
If you dream of a magistrate this foretells trouble with law suits and other small legal matters. If the dreamer faces the magistrate in a court of law as the defendant it is likely he or she will experience a loss of freedom and rights. A woman who dreams she marries a magistrate will find herself judging between two choices in mates.
To dream of a magnet means you will have the power to draw many things into your life according to your wishes. A woman may have much wealth and love showered on her as a result of this dream. A magnet dream is usually a good one but again you need to place it within the framework of the whole dream to learn it's true meaning, as it could also mean that you are capable of drawing evil influences into your life unless you heed the overall warning of your dream.
If you dream you are looking at things through a magnifying glass this is a warning that you are looking at things in a wrong or distorted way and should reevaluate your problems as you may be magnifying them; making mountains out of mole hills. If the glass you are using is a help to you in your dream it means that you will soon see your material wealth increase.
A dream of a magpie shows much vexation to your spirit from careless gossip that you have caused and this will lose you many friends. To see a dead magpie shows that careless talk can ruin, or kill, your marriage. Catching a magpie means that you will not be able to accomplish your present goals and is a warning to change them.
If you dream that someone holds malicious intent towards you this is a warning to search for a false friend, a wolf in sheep's clothing. If you dream that you hold malice in your heart for another person this shows that you have a need to control your temper before you lose friends or loved ones. If you dream of a malicious person and the malice is not directed to you then you will receive unexpected financial help.
If you dream of a mallet as used in a game of croquet then you will find the love of your life is willing to wed you. To see a mallet (doing nothing) shows that you will be treated badly while in ill health. To swing a mallet yourself shows domestic disharmony.
This substance is now considered an illegal drug and as such it should be viewed that way in your dream interpretation. As a symbol, it stands for any activity that is not within the bounds of the law. It can also denote the fact of not being able to think clearly if you dream that you are smoking it, and this could cause you much trouble and stress. As an herb, it has curative powers, and for the older generation of dreamers who still think of this as an herb, this is a warning to have your health seen to by a professional.
Dreaming of a marriage, or a wedding, is the sign of a death in the family. If the marriage was between strangers, then the death pertains to a not too close acquaintance or friend. See Wedding for more information.
To be helped be an Indian medicine man is the best kind of good luck in business omen as this shows that you can expect to receive the backing of powerful friends are backers that will assure your success and your fortune. Unfortunately if you are beyond help, this shows that your destiny is to fail unless you change into more modern ways of doing things.
To dream of mice is not a very good omen as the dreamer can expect disappointments and ill will from others if the dream centers around the mice. If you have a mouse jump on you, or get in your clothing, then you will be involved in a scandal with a friend. If you kill the mice, you will overcome all, but if they escape you, your strivings will be of doubtful significance.
If you dream of seeing milk in large containers you will have honor and riches, if your dream is of buying and selling milk commercially, you will have great business success. If you dream that you give your milk away, this denotes that you are too generous and could harm your own finances. If you spill milk, your friends will disappoint you, and if the milk is not pure, you will suffer many small aggravations. If you try to drink milk, and cannot swallow it, this denotes that you are in danger of losing the friendship of a person you have know for a long time.
There are two schools of thought about your dreams of a mirror. One is that if you see yourself in a mirror it foretells of a terrible illness or failure, (death of a business), and the other school of thought is, to see oneself in a mirror is a sign that you will soon be facing issues within yourself that you have been subconsciously hiding from yourself. If the mirror is broken then will there be news of a death in the family.
If you dream of losing money you will find unhappiness in your home and future prospects will appear slim. If your dream is of finding money, you will have much happiness in your domestic affairs. If you dream of looking at money it shows that you will have an opportunity to reach your goals and increase your income. If you steal the money, your finances are in danger.
To see a normal moon in a normal sky resplendent with stars denotes that you will have success with love or money but if the moon is peculiar or weird then you will meet with many disappointments and a cheating spouse. If you see a moon in eclipse then you will hear of a friend with a contagious disease.
To dream of moonlight is generally a good omen. If you are standing in bright moonlight with your beloved it predicts a happy domestic life, blessed by plenty. If you are taking a stroll in the moonlight the omen here is, that you will receive a great favor, or a financial boon. If you become frightened while in the moonlight you will have many small vexing troubles but still reach your goals.
A mountain dream is used by the subconscious mind to tell us that we have many obstacles to overcome and they will be large ones and almost insurmountable. This dream can be one of discouragement or encouragement, depending on the entire context of the dream and must be studied in that light.
Again, with moving, we have another obstacle dream, in as much as, if the move goes smoothly and is completed in normal time then you will overcome your barriers and sail through to what you desire. If the dream of moving involves a lot of difficulty, or is not completed, then you must forego changes in your environment and plan on staying in the same career for a while.
If you dream of eating muffins it is an indication that you like the good things of life, and if you overindulge in them you are likely to care more for luxury then you should. To bake muffins is an omen that you will work hard for your money, but your enjoyment of your success will be all the more sweeter.
If you have a dream of murdering another, this is a warning that you must keep in control of your temper and emotions at all times and not get enraged to the point of murderous intent. If you are the eye witness to a murder this is also a warning, but, one that is alerting you to possible changes in your life that you will not like unless you practice self control and not expect others to order the situation for you.
If your dream of music is of soothing, beautiful, music that uplifts your spirit then you will have some wonderful luck in every matter that is of concern to you while the raucous, unpleasant type of music brings discord to all your activities.
If you dream of seeing an ugly, mutated person or animal which frightens you, then you will soon hear some bad news concerning the family. If you see the type of mutation called morphing, when one things flows into being another thing, this is a warning that a person, or situation is not what they seem to be, 'a wolf in sheep's clothing'.
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