Ice is nice on the lake, originally uploaded by gallmasse
Dirty, murky ice is a bad sign that augers ill feelings between friends, or plots against you from evil-minded persons who are seething with jealousy. Clear ice, especially in chunks or 'rocks' could mean the giving or receiving of an engagement ring. Walking on ice that makes you fear is a sign that you are 'treading on thin ice' in some aspect of your life and should change this before disaster strikes.
If you are eating and enjoying ice cream in your dream it denotes good luck and much success in matters of the heart. If the ice cream has no taste, or you upset it in your dream, then it is an omen of sorrow and disillusionment.. If it is sour, a lover will betray you.
To dream of icicles melting from trees is an omen that problems you have with land or real estate will soon 'melt' away. To see icicles forming is an ill omen and portends that you have troubles or problems that will shortly manifest themselves. To dream of icicles melting off the roof of your home means your marital problems will end.
A man who dreams of meeting the ideal person will soon experience much love and devotion from his chosen mate. A woman dreaming of meeting her ideal person may have a long peroid of business accomplishment coming up. To dream of having ideals usually mean you will be treated with the utmost honesty in any legal matter you are involved in.
If you dream of seeing an idiot you will have much discouragement and sorrow with your family members. If you are the idiot in your dream then you will feel humiliated over a mistake you made. Your dream of idiotic children presages illness and grief in you near future.
If you dream of seeing people idling about this denotes that you are not using your time and energies to accomplish your best work. A woman who is idle in her dream may accumulate bad habits and marry a faithless man. Seeing an idle friend may denote that this friend is in trouble, or about to get into trouble.
If you dream of seeing friends worship idols this presage much trouble for them and a break in your friendship. If you are the one doing the worshipping then you will make very little progress in your business or your lifes work. Breaking an idol shows that you will take control of the situation that presently has you stymied. If you are denouncing idols you will gain much honor and distinction in your lifetime.
This is another symbol that has a multitude meanings and much be taken as a whole with the entire dream. It is an omen of despair and lack that is mostly dreamed by women. If you dream of your own illness unpleasant changes will soon come into your life.
If you dream of seeing strange illuminations in the sky you will experience much distress. If you see children in the sky then you will meet with trouble and failure. An illuminated face Indicates some unfinished business that must be attended to right away or suffer the consequences. To see snakes and other creepy crawlers illuminated then you will have many powerful enemies.
If you set up an image, or likeness, of something in your dream then this denotes that you are weak minded and easily led astray or you will have someone in your life like this. To see images show that you will have difficulties with friends or family.
If you dream of imitations then you should watch out for those who would palm something off on you which will cause a lot of trouble and loss. If you dream that someone is imitating your lover then you must guard against being deceived by that person.
To dream of implements denote that you will be threatened by death if they are broken or, if broken, denotes that you will complete your work but by underhanded means.
If you dream of cheating in any manner, either by you, or by your loved one, then this is a direct warning for you to be more circumspect about your actions to and with the opposite sex. It is warning you that if you do not, you will suffer the consequences. If you are the cheater in your dream, you may have a guilty conscious about cheating that has nothing to do with love.
Insects in a dream always represent obstacles that you must overcome to reach your goals, if you manage to exterminate them or they are not bothersome to you then you will meet your obstacles with strength, and be able to overcome them. Insects also represent excessive worry over certain things, meditate to find out what they might mean to you by using all the symbols in your dream for reference.
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