Abandoned Farm Shed, originally uploaded by serendipitypeace2007
If you abandon something bad in your dream you could quite possibly receive some favorable financial news. But if someone abandons you, close to you in your dreams it may mean trouble, don't worry you can over come it by acknowledging the warning sign. If you dreamed you saw some sort of abandonment, it indicates you will hear some news or information that you will feel is very important to you. To dream that you yourself have been abandoned is a dream of contradiction and means you will have a reconciliation or a quick turn around from the trouble or problem.
ABBEY Looking upon this type of structure clearly and in broad daylight, generally you can consider this a good omen. Being a very good sign you can expect peace of mind and substantial freedom from anxiety. If you see in Abbey in gloom or fog at night it indicates sadness, but it should only the temporary in nature.
ABDOMEN Another contradictory dream if dreaming of pain in this area will indicate success due to strong health and vigor. Dreaming your Abdomen is being exposed, is a bad sign however, and is a warning of unfaithfulness or treachery and may come from someone you trust and hold dear. Be extremely cautious.
A dream about being abducted strongly indicates success for you against most opposition whether business or social. If you witness someone being abducted in your dreams then you can expect to get some unexpected news. ABJECT
To experience dreams of being abject indicates coming financial changes, usually to the opposite. If the abjectnesss altered at some point within the dream then these affects will only be temporary. However if during your dream you respond friendly to in abject approach, it possibly means a substantial financial benefit is forthcoming. ABNORMAL To dream of things that are not normal, and I mean really "Not normal" like a bird with tentacles or a car that is half horse, then this means that very soon you will have a sound solution to your current problems that are weighing on your mind.
To a man a dream containing abortion indicates failure in his kind endeavor. For a woman it is very clearly a health dream and may indicate her health is in some sort of danger. ABROAD
To go abroad by ship indicates that you may make a very powerful and influential new friend very shortly. Dreams of being abroad in foreign lands is clear indications that you may be experiencing unsettled conditions and look for a possible change of location.
To the man this could indicate possible deceit from his co-workers. To a woman it means she should be very careful where she gives her affection.ABUNDANCE To dream of having a great abundance of a certain thing is a clear warning to conserve your resources and energies. And dreaming of having a great abundance of a wide variety of things is a very good omen.
If you dream you are abusing someone you are about to suffer repercussions from friends toward whom you have acted less then honorable. If you feel that you are abused, or if you are being verbally or physically abused, you will soon fall into the hands of an enemy. Being forewarned is being forearmed, and your dreams are advising you that you will be the sufferer unless you pay close attention to your dealings in the immediate future.
An abyss can always be considered an obstacle. If you can manage to keep from falling into one in your dreams, though it may look like you will, you will overcome your current problem. However, falling into the abyss, is a stern warning that you should be very careful, as there may be danger present in your business dealings.
A dream that involves an Academy can indicate new friendships, and it warns that they may lead you to costly mis-speculation.
Using it to increase the speed of a car (or any other vehicle) indicates that you will achieve your objectives through your own efforts. If, in your dream the accelerator jammed or you were unable to control it, it is a warning to beware of a habit which could turn into a vice if you are not careful.
If you heard yourself or others speak with an unfamiliar or foreign accent, you will hear news from a distance which could involve a hasty trip.
The interpretation of this dream depends on its aspect. If it involved a proposal of marriage and you accepted (or were accepted), it is a dream of contrary and you can expect a rocky road to romance. However, if you persevere, it may, in time, smooth out. If the dream involved the acceptance of money or anything else of value, it portends success in pending business matters. Acceptance of anything which is fake or counterfeit suggests you may be too trusting, so reexamine your current relationships. To accept an invitation is a forerunner to an inheritance or an unexpected gift.
An accident dream would normally fall under the category of a warning from your subconscious mind telling you to steer clear of whatever was involved in the dream accident, no matter what it is. Many lives have been saved by heeding such a dream. If the dream involves a car then you should endeavor to walk as much as possible, but use extra caution when you are approached by a vehicle. Take a different flight at least two days later if an airplane, watch out for WHATEVER is involved. If the dream is about a sea accident and you do not plan to travel by ship or boat, then this is an omen having to do with love affairs. If the accident involves an archaic, outdated, mode of travel then it will pertain to business reversals.
To accompany a stranger in your dream means that your enemies will fall into their own traps. If you were accompanied by a stranger, you can expect, you ca expect some exciting and beneficial events before long. If you were accompanied by friends, expect a change of environment. If you had or gave musical accompaniment to singing, you will soon have cause to sing joyously.
To be aware of vague accusation is a warning to be on your guard against being used by unscrupulous people. If the accusation was clearly defined and you were able to defend yourself or prove your innocence, it portends trouble which you can overcome. If you were doing the accusing, it is a warning to reassess your personal relationships as you may be heading for trouble in that respect. To be accused by a woman suggests some upsetting news is on the way, but if the accuser was a man, you will have a business success beyond your expectations.
This is usually a dream of contrary. A trivial ache is either due to a physical cause or is a warning to consult a doctor. A severe ache indicates an important event which will be beneficial to you. However, a headache is a warning against confiding your private affairs to anyone.
A dream of achievement is in direct line with its aspect, the bigger the achievement in the dream, the bigger will be the satisfaction coming your way.
You must assert yourself in a more positive way to gain your ambitious. If your dream involved meeting actors or actresses, be careful not to repeat gossip or you could lose a friend.
To dream of being acupunctured can considered healing, since that is it's primary purpose. However this varies from traditional medicine, so the healing process it is referring to is questionable or experimental depending on how the dreamer feels.
If your dream involved adapting yourself to some difficult or unusual conditions, you can relax as far as your financial future is concerned.
You will have personal difficulties if you dreamed of adding up figures, but if your totals were correct, you will overcome the situation.
To write a personal address is a warning against gambling of any kind, but if you wrote or saw in writing a business address, you will be fortunate in a speculation. To hear about, or discuss an address is a warning to be more discreet in confiding your personal affairs.
This high-ranking fellow in your dream signifies success in your social life as well as in your career.
Signifies acceptance (if you are getting adopted), rejection if you are putting someone up for adoption. Also it could mean adopting new ideas, or a need to do so.If your dream involved adapting yourself to some difficult or unusual conditions, you can relax as far as your financial future is concerned.
You will have personal difficulties if you dreamed of adding up figures, but if your totals were correct, you will overcome the situation.
To write a personal address is a warning against gambling of any kind, but if you wrote or saw in writing a business address, you will be fortunate in a speculation. To hear about, or discuss an address is a warning to be more discreet in confiding your personal affairs.
This high-ranking fellow in your dream signifies success in your social life as well as in your career.
To dream of helplessly watching a mate have sex or making out with someone else is your inner expression of feelings of sexual inadequacy or insecurity with the romanitic involvement with your mate. Dreaming of having sex with someone else is indicitive of a desire for change in either a romantic or sexual sense.ADVENTURE
The type of adventure governs the interpretation of this dream, and while its meaning is quite straightforward, you must bear in mind that in this exceptional case the prediction pertains only to your feeling about the adventure, rather than the details of it, and you can expect an experience of a similar character shortly. So if your dream adventure left you feeling guilty - put up your guard! If the dream concerned an adventurer, or adventuress, you are probably in for a surprising change of environment.
Beware of humiliating quarrels with friends if you gave advice in your dream, but if you received advice you will make some new and good friends.
A dream of contrary, you will recognize your difficulties and find the courage to overcome them.
To worry about your age in a dream, or to dream you are of have aged beyond your actual years, indicates you should see a doctor. But to see aged people in a dream is an omen of great good luck. If they are poor or ragged, you may have some difficulties ahead, but you can easily overcome these by positive bold action.
To dream you have ANY dread incurable illness is a fear that something is permenantly wrong with you. This could be as broad ranging as feeling your carreer choice was bad, to as simple as a fear you will never get over the cold you have. To dream of others with aids is indicative of feelings of helplessness or sympathy depending on the context of the dream.The type of adventure governs the interpretation of this dream, and while its meaning is quite straightforward, you must bear in mind that in this exceptional case the prediction pertains only to your feeling about the adventure, rather than the details of it, and you can expect an experience of a similar character shortly. So if your dream adventure left you feeling guilty - put up your guard! If the dream concerned an adventurer, or adventuress, you are probably in for a surprising change of environment.
Beware of humiliating quarrels with friends if you gave advice in your dream, but if you received advice you will make some new and good friends.
A dream of contrary, you will recognize your difficulties and find the courage to overcome them.
To worry about your age in a dream, or to dream you are of have aged beyond your actual years, indicates you should see a doctor. But to see aged people in a dream is an omen of great good luck. If they are poor or ragged, you may have some difficulties ahead, but you can easily overcome these by positive bold action.
The true definition is found in identifing the type of plane and your personal feeling of aircraft. If you fear air travel, dreaming of being on a passenger jet in flight is likely to be an expression of fear involved with some sort of travel. However if you LIKE to fly then this could also mean happiness. And it can also indicate a desire to rise above it all, an escape.AIRPLANE CRASH
To dream of being in this event is a feeling of not only a dramatic negative change in your life, but also to everyone around you as well as your envorment. A very negative symbol and should be meditated upon. To dream of witnessing this event is symbolic of feelings of helplessness in the face of a great tragedy. In prohetic dreams this heralds a great change in the distant future (planes are associated with great distance). This change may not be negative.AIRPORT
Hearing an alarm (fire, burglar, or clock) in your dream predicts an exciting and profitable time ahead.
Any dream involving letters of the alphabet indicates pleasant news on the way. If, however, your dream concerned foreign letters, you may expect some clue to the solution of a mystery which has troubled you.
You will have a sudden release from pressing worries and/or good news from an unexpected source if an altar figured in your dream.
A warning to avoid an involvement with inferiors which could cause you serious embarassment, especially if the height affected your breathing.
A dream of an ambulance is an omen that could be taken as a warning against carelessness and indiscretion leading to some major catastrophe in your life. In all cases it is concerning itself with your health, or the inner fear you may have of having contracted some kind of disease, and warrants a trip to the doctor to set your mind at ease.A warning to avoid an involvement with inferiors which could cause you serious embarassment, especially if the height affected your breathing.
In a dream the amethyst is a gem that signals good luck. In business it shows that you will have a modest income that you will be satisfied with, and in marriage, you will have a calm and happy married life. If you lose a piece of amethyst jewelry then you will see the reverse of these conditions.AMULET
This talisman in a dream represents a decision hanging over the dreamer. Its interpretation varies greatly according to the details of the dream.
To have a pleasant dream with an amusement park in it, maybe a hint that you may want to start having a little bit more fun in life, getting a little bit more amusement out of things. If the dream finds the amusement park to be dark and empty, devoid of sound, it may be a clue that your lack of amusement may be reaching critical levels. To have a bad dream with an amusement park in it, indicates that you have a problem overcoming your fear of physical risk (the rides).This talisman in a dream represents a decision hanging over the dreamer. Its interpretation varies greatly according to the details of the dream.
You will have some unexpected honor if you dreamed of ancestors, whether your own or not.
Economize on things you don't really need for a few months.
To dream of Angels have many diverse meanings and must be thoroughly studied in light of the dreamers lifestyle, beliefs, interaction with others, etc.. One of the meanings is that if the dreamer has been particularly wicked or worked ill to another it could be a call to repeat through prayer. Another is, if you are a person who is basically good you will find peace and joy in the dream, or consolation for some sorrow. In any event, it usually works a change in the dreamers life that will move and grow both immediately and throughout life.You will have some unexpected honor if you dreamed of ancestors, whether your own or not.
Economize on things you don't really need for a few months.
A dream of contrary. If your anger was directed at someone you know, you will benefit materially through a friend. If the object or cause of your anger was unknown to you, you will soon be celebrating some joyous good news.
Animals most often represent that aspect of ourselves, or parts of our personality, that are present in our ordinary life. It is generally given that the more primitive the animal then the more primitive or deeper the layer of consciousness that represents. To dream of being bitten by an animal may be a manifestation of a fear of animals. What the animal is doing in the dream is also very important, if say, a pig is dancing, then maybe that means that the side of you that likes to over indulge is very happy with that. But if the pig were crying then that might indicate an inner urge to curb and over indulge in habit.ANKLE
As a general rule a dream involving your own ankles is an indication of success after a struggle. To dream of the ankles of someone of the opposite sex suggests an unwise love affair, but to dream of the ankles of your own sex signifies a solution to a puzzling predicament.
A dream of an apartment is usually a simple dream and shows the dreamer the state of finances or other situation he or she may be involved in. A beautiful, lavish apartment indicates you will see a large increase in your income or your family life will improve. If the apartment is shabby and dark then you will experience misfortune and possible loss of a husband, lover, or money. Try to recall the other symbols that caught your eye in your dream apartment and you will come close to approximating it's meaning.APOSTLE
An apostle dream is much like that of an angel dream but more men then women seem to have these. Usually when an apostle speaks to you in a dream it is a spiritual message for you and deserves the utmost attention you can give it. See Angel.APPLE
Depending on the context of the dream, an Apple can signify love (if the apple is fresh and given to someone), guilt (only if one associates eating an apple with the biblical reference to the garden of Eden). In prophetic dreams the apple is considered to be a very good omen, but the interpretation depends primarily on what the details are. If the apples are ripe there is a promise of financial rewards but if the apples were green, bitter, or tainted in some way then you are in danger of losing something through mistake or foolishness that you would have otherwise gained.AQUARIUM
To see fish in an aquarium, is indicative of small pleasures that last of short duration either in your life or to come. The condition and size of the fish tank or aquarium, is also an indicator as to the quality and/or quantity of the pleasure.ARGUMENT
To dream of armageddon, or the end of the world, was very common in the year 1999 when many people thought the end of the world was going to occur at the year 2000. However, to dream about armageddon now is usually a deep-rooted fear that your world is about to change dramatically. By "your world" I am referring to everything around you, your job, your family etc. in prophetic dreams armageddon predicts a dramatic change in one's life, possibly the death of someone close or in some cases, of the dreamer himself (but this is extremely rare).ASSASSIN
If you dream of seeing the northern lights and experience a feeling of love and warmth you are probably having a spiritual experience and you should examine all the other symbols found in the dream, no matter how small they are. Usually this feeling of peace and love is an indication that your spiritual state is doing well, but if you are frightened or sad it may be an indication for you to come back into the light of God's love and care.
Strangely enough to view an autopsy with no other point of reference (like your own definition, or dream context) is actually a good omen and usually points to new and interesting experiences that are down the road for you, most commonly in a sexual sense.