Love, originally uploaded by OpheliaChong
To dream of labeling various items shows you are searching for order in your life. To read a label may mean you will let someone know your personal business and they will turn on you, Or you have 'labeled' someone wrong.
Most dreams where you see labor performed is considered a good dream. Animals heavily burdened shows that you are to become very prosperous but should treat your help with more respect. To see men at work means you will soon engage in a profitable enterprise or your health will improve.
You are frittering away you time and energies in mediocre business ventures if you dream of being in a laboratory. If you dream of being a chemist in a laboratory and your experiment should fail it denotes failure in a present venture. But if your experiment is a success, then your business will be a resounding success. If you find yourself working in a laboratory and making a scientic breakthrough this will denote much success in the new field or your new ideas for an old company are ready to become a smashing success. If you are working with golden equipment you will shortly find yourself becoming surrounded by the finer things in life through your own hardwork.
If you dream of a labyrinth it denotes you have many perplexing problems that keep you from making a success of either business or marriage. If the labyrinth is fresg, with green plants and trees then you will find happiness and love in the midst of dispair.
To dream of making lace means you will live a useful, industrious life and never want for the necessities. If you are selling lace your wants will exceed your income and drain your resources. If you dream you are buying lace you will become wealthy beyond your wildest dreams. If a sweetheart is wearing lace in your dream you will have an instant rise in power
If you dream you are falling from a ladder you will be unsuccessful in your present endeavors. If someone raises and holds a ladder for you this denotes that you will climb to great heights in your chosen profession. A broken ladder denotes failure in all your undertakings and you see yourself escape down a ladder means you will win out only after some careful planning.
If you see a ladle in your dreams then will children become your greatest source of joy and pride in their accomplishments. Should you be served from a broken ladle you will suffer a grievous loss of job, home, power, or loved ones.
If you dream of a peaceful lagoon you will have serene enjoyment in your domestic life. If the lagoon is not inviting you will be cast into doubt and misuse your intelligence on mundane matters that do not require your attention while forgetting the important things.
Dreaming of a specific body of water such as a lake must be analyzed according to its setting and the entire contents of the dream and much like dreaming of water in general, the clearness of the lake also has to do with the omen or situation it refers to. Clear water being the best. To dream of being in a boat on a calm, serene lake shows that you have much peace and happiness coming your way. If the lake is storm tossed then your life will take a turn for an emotional upheaval and possible losses. Seeing a lake in a glen with sunshine sparkling on the surface portends great good luck in all your endeavors.
In general a dream about a lamb foretells many good things. To see a lamb playing in a green field shows that you will enjoy many friendships, and should you be carrying a lamb about in your arms this denotes an increase in wealth through your hard work and ethical business practices. Cooking, eating, or serving lamb augers well for your immediate finances.
If you dream of seeing someone lame in your dreams this denotes that your hopes for a certain thing is infirm and may not be realized. A dream that you are lame from birth denotes death to a current love affair.
It matters not whether your dream lamp is gas, oil, or whatever but if it is lit and you are carrying it then you are assured of much prestige and success in your business dealings. If a lamp explodes in your dream then will your friends become your enemies through some thoughtless action on your part. The act of lighting the lamp presages an unexpected bounty or reward for you. If your lamp throws a dim light then you will have an illness or hear of a friend or relative with one. A broken lamp signifies much bad luck and must be taken as a major part of the rest of the dream in order to find out the misfortune you must try to avert.
To dream you hear someone speaking in a foreign language to you denotes that you are having a hard time understanding a certain persons motives or actions, search the rest of the dream for how to handle this shortcoming in yourself. If your dream was about someone, or yourself, using foul language, this will show that you will soon find yourself in an embarrassing situation brought on by another.
if you are skillful at swinging a lasso in circles in your dream this denotes happiness in love and family affairs. If you are inept at it and cause the rope to tangle, you will be caught up in an embarrassing situation due to love entanglements. If you lasso an animal with it you will win your love, but if the animal gets away, you are doomed to failure.
If you dream of doing your own laundry, a person that you have made a strong impression own will come to your aid at work, and you will receive a boost in income through this persons help. If you dream of being in a laundry you can expect to attend a party in the near future. If you sent your laundry out, rather then do it yourself, then you can expect trouble through gossip.
If you dream you meet a lawyer at a social event this is an omen that you will be involved in a scandal. If you dream that you are a lawyer, this is an omen that you will rise to prestige in your chosen profession.
To dream of legal matters must be correlated with the entire dream as this is more a state, or condition of, a situation, rather then a dream symbol or action. Legal matters, and all things to do with the law, should be viewed in a warning context unless the rest of the dream tells you different.
A dream where you are being levitated off your feet and up into the air is the way your dream sometimes upbraids you about certain actions you are doing, or certain strong emotions you are expressing, in your waking hours. This dream is a definite play on words and it is telling you to: keep your feet on the ground: don't get carried away: don't fly off the handle: get back down to earth. This is a good dream to listen to.
A library is a repository of knowledge and assessable information, and a dream featuring a library may be showing you that you need to learn all you can about a certain thing or situation before becoming involved, and if you are checking out a book you will need to 'check out your information'. If you are returning books, then this is a wish you have for teaching another.
If you see strong lightning in your dream you will find yourself the recipient of a fantastic moneymaking idea that really works. and if you see lightning flash from the sky and strike an object you will have a stroke of good luck. Weak lightning flashes denote general good fortune to the dreamer.
A light shining out of the dark, or a flashlight beam, shows that you will finally find the truth in a situation or the answer to a personal problem that you have been searching for. If the light is dim, you will only find part of the solution.
Dreaming of a lion shows you have many obstacles to overcome, and must resist the real force that is driving you to self destruction; if the lion overpowers you, you will lose, but, if win out over the lion you will be the victor. As the lion usually represents different aspects of our own inner nature either as we are, or as we think ourselves to be, then in this light the dream must be correlated by using as many of the symbols you see in your dream and carefully analyzing the different actions of each character.
Making a list in a dream denotes that the dreamer is worried about forgetting an important item that looms large in his/her life. This is more in the form of a worry dream and must be correlated to the rest of the dream to do the dreamer any good at all.
Loneliness is a dream of contraries, that is to say, a dream whereas my old Mother always said to 'take your dream backwards'. In other words your dream of loneliness shows you will have so much company that you may never be lonely again, (which is only a secret fear being exposed). .
If you dream you receive a locket from a loved one this is an omen that you will soon be married and will receive many beautiful gifts. Should a woman dream that she breaks the locket her husband will be unfaithful all her married life and if a locket is lost sadness will enter in your life.
If you have a dream involving a loss of any kind, this is an ill omen and it is telling you to guard your possessions and finances well as there is a distinct chance of loss to you. If you find a lost article you will have some good fortune come your way.
If you dream of the lottery in a general way it is a warning that you are being careless in some undertaking which could cause you to suffer disappointment. If you dream you have lost in the lottery you could become the victim of false friends, but if you dream that someone else has won you will have some fun times and friendly get togethers. If you win, expect some unpleasant happenings.
If you dream you see a couple in love and expressing it to each other, this denotes that your present undertaking will meet with success. If you are expressing a true and tender love for another then it shows that you will find happiness and contentment in your life. To see someone expressing a low type of love, lust, then will you meet with failure and discontent.
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