Sometimes, the darkest dreams are best..., originally uploaded by billybofh
To be attacked by someone with a dagger warns of bodily injury from an enemy or a mugger. To see a dagger in your dream is a warning to be careful of saying 'cutting' words to someone. To wrench the dagger from someones hand means you will overcome adversity and misfortune.
To be attacked by someone with a dagger warns of bodily injury from an enemy or a mugger. To see a dagger in your dream is a warning to be careful of saying 'cutting' words to someone. To wrench the dagger from someones hand means you will overcome adversity and misfortune.
To see dahlias in a dream presages much good fortune to the dreamer, if they are old and dying then it is a sign of loss and sorrow. To see beautiful dahlias growing in the outdoors you will have good fortune in money matters.
To see dahlias in a dream presages much good fortune to the dreamer, if they are old and dying then it is a sign of loss and sorrow. To see beautiful dahlias growing in the outdoors you will have good fortune in money matters.
To dream of being in a dairy shows the dreamer has been too weak natured in the past and have let others get the better of him/her. To dream of owning a dairy means you will have much good fortune and never be without the staples of life.
To dream of being in a dairy shows the dreamer has been too weak natured in the past and have let others get the better of him/her. To dream of owning a dairy means you will have much good fortune and never be without the staples of life.
If someone gives you a bunch of daisys or if you see them it presages much sorrw for you and even a lost love. If you are walking in a field of daisys and the sun is shining making everything you see beautiful then will you have some of the best luck, as you travel your road of life there will always be someone or something to smooth out the bumps.
If someone gives you a bunch of daisys or if you see them it presages much sorrw for you and even a lost love. If you are walking in a field of daisys and the sun is shining making everything you see beautiful then will you have some of the best luck, as you travel your road of life there will always be someone or something to smooth out the bumps.
Should a woman dream of receiving a damask rose and places it in her hair then will she be deceived by someone thought of as a good friend. If she receives a bouquet of them in the Springtime she will find true love but if it is winter her search will be fruitless. To see the old fashioned rose bush in full foliage denotes a wedding in the family.
Should a woman dream of receiving a damask rose and places it in her hair then will she be deceived by someone thought of as a good friend. If she receives a bouquet of them in the Springtime she will find true love but if it is winter her search will be fruitless. To see the old fashioned rose bush in full foliage denotes a wedding in the family.
To see a damson tree in full leaves loaded with luscious fruit shows you will get your reward with the inheritance you receive. Should you eat of the plums you will have sorrow and grief as well as loss. If the tree is misshapen then it foretells of a time of domestic unrest.
To see a damson tree in full leaves loaded with luscious fruit shows you will get your reward with the inheritance you receive. Should you eat of the plums you will have sorrow and grief as well as loss. If the tree is misshapen then it foretells of a time of domestic unrest.
The dance is always a good omen and it foretells many things, such as: children dancing signifies that your marriage will produce lively, happy children who are well behaved, older people shows a better business income and if you are enjoying the dance you will receive an unexpected windfall.
The dance is always a good omen and it foretells many things, such as: children dancing signifies that your marriage will produce lively, happy children who are well behaved, older people shows a better business income and if you are enjoying the dance you will receive an unexpected windfall.
If you dream you have a friend or spouse who is a dancing master denotes you will have a loyal companion for life. To watch a dancing master give instructions in your dream shows you will neglect some vital business matters.
If you dream you have a friend or spouse who is a dancing master denotes you will have a loyal companion for life. To watch a dancing master give instructions in your dream shows you will neglect some vital business matters.
Dandelions glowing in a sunlit meadow denotes a happy life for you with your new spouse. To see yourself eating them or drinking dandelion tea is a sign that unless you do something about it, your health will soon suffer.
Dandelions glowing in a sunlit meadow denotes a happy life for you with your new spouse. To see yourself eating them or drinking dandelion tea is a sign that unless you do something about it, your health will soon suffer.
If your life or body is threatened by immediate danger and you escape it means that you will take your place in business or society at a high position. If you are wounded or killed then you will show many losses in business and love.
If your life or body is threatened by immediate danger and you escape it means that you will take your place in business or society at a high position. If you are wounded or killed then you will show many losses in business and love.
A dream of the dark is never a good aspected omen as after such a dream you are in danger of losing control of your temper and causing yourself a lot of hardships and losses. If you dream that dark is falling while you are traveling it is an ill omen for any business you try to conduct unless the journey is finished before it gets dark. If you are lost and cannot find someone in the dark then this denotes that others will try to provoke you to anger and you must heed this warning and keep your temper at all times.
A dream of the dark is never a good aspected omen as after such a dream you are in danger of losing control of your temper and causing yourself a lot of hardships and losses. If you dream that dark is falling while you are traveling it is an ill omen for any business you try to conduct unless the journey is finished before it gets dark. If you are lost and cannot find someone in the dark then this denotes that others will try to provoke you to anger and you must heed this warning and keep your temper at all times.
If you dream that you are stumbling around and groping your way about in a dark room or building this is an omen that you do not have enough information about a person, place, or thing to make a clear decision. If you find the light switch, you will meet with success after acquiring understanding. A lost article will be found if you dream you were walking in the darkness.
If you dream that you are stumbling around and groping your way about in a dark room or building this is an omen that you do not have enough information about a person, place, or thing to make a clear decision. If you find the light switch, you will meet with success after acquiring understanding. A lost article will be found if you dream you were walking in the darkness.
If you dream of plump ripe dates growing on a tree you will have a happy time ahead of you for the next few days. If you pluck one of these juicy morsels and feed it to your love denotes that you will soon marry or find the perfect mate for you. Should you eat a dull looking date that has been packed for shipping this will auger poverty and need for the dreamer.
If you dream of plump ripe dates growing on a tree you will have a happy time ahead of you for the next few days. If you pluck one of these juicy morsels and feed it to your love denotes that you will soon marry or find the perfect mate for you. Should you eat a dull looking date that has been packed for shipping this will auger poverty and need for the dreamer.
For years in our family it has meant that someone in the family would soon be wed and the wedding would be beautiful. In some circles it means a birth, the opposite of death. To be unable to identify the dead person means a windfall of money for you, To talk to a dead relative is a sign of great good luck.
For years in our family it has meant that someone in the family would soon be wed and the wedding would be beautiful. In some circles it means a birth, the opposite of death. To be unable to identify the dead person means a windfall of money for you, To talk to a dead relative is a sign of great good luck.
If you should dream of a deceased person and this person speaks only to you, pay close attention to what the spirit is telling you as it could be very important to you. To dream of seeing a deceased person is normally a dream of warning, and it tells you that the influences around you at this time does not bode well for your affairs, and you should not enter into any binding contracts or verbal agreements until this phase passes.
If you should dream of a deceased person and this person speaks only to you, pay close attention to what the spirit is telling you as it could be very important to you. To dream of seeing a deceased person is normally a dream of warning, and it tells you that the influences around you at this time does not bode well for your affairs, and you should not enter into any binding contracts or verbal agreements until this phase passes.
To be depressed in a dream usually means the opposite on awaking. If you are depressed over the loss of a loved one it is telling you will soon find someone to love, the same holds true for job, etc.. To be depressed and crying, look for some bad news close to home.
To be depressed in a dream usually means the opposite on awaking. If you are depressed over the loss of a loved one it is telling you will soon find someone to love, the same holds true for job, etc.. To be depressed and crying, look for some bad news close to home.
Seeing demons in your dream is a warning against overindulging your baser nature and giving into your lusts, all of which have an adverse effect on your bodily health, as well as your mental health.
Seeing demons in your dream is a warning against overindulging your baser nature and giving into your lusts, all of which have an adverse effect on your bodily health, as well as your mental health.
The devil as a symbol represents evil in all its forms. If you dreamed of the devil surrounded by instruments of punishment, or actually punishing you, then the dream is telling you that the time has come to clear your mind and your conscious of the guilty secret you are holding onto. If you successfully fought him off, then you will short circuit those who mean you ill, and if he spoke to you, you are in for great temptations which you will find hard to resist. If you and the devil were friendly, or congenial, then it is time to have a complete medical workup done.
The devil as a symbol represents evil in all its forms. If you dreamed of the devil surrounded by instruments of punishment, or actually punishing you, then the dream is telling you that the time has come to clear your mind and your conscious of the guilty secret you are holding onto. If you successfully fought him off, then you will short circuit those who mean you ill, and if he spoke to you, you are in for great temptations which you will find hard to resist. If you and the devil were friendly, or congenial, then it is time to have a complete medical workup done.
If you see people or things disappearing before your very eyes, this is a dream that is pointing up your insecurities and concern about the important people, conditions, situations, or people that might disappear from your life. This an anxiety dream and shows that you need to work on you self image through building your self worth.
If you see people or things disappearing before your very eyes, this is a dream that is pointing up your insecurities and concern about the important people, conditions, situations, or people that might disappear from your life. This an anxiety dream and shows that you need to work on you self image through building your self worth.
The fear of a family breaking up, or a romantic attachment being severed, is sometimes warned of by the dream of dismemberment, which means a breaking up. If you sometimes feel your live is coming apart at the seams, then this too will occasion a dismemberment dream. As in olden mythology, when man fell apart, the Gods would put him back together again, this then is a dream of warning you to change your ways, or take charge of a situation, before it reaches the dismemberment stage.
The fear of a family breaking up, or a romantic attachment being severed, is sometimes warned of by the dream of dismemberment, which means a breaking up. If you sometimes feel your live is coming apart at the seams, then this too will occasion a dismemberment dream. As in olden mythology, when man fell apart, the Gods would put him back together again, this then is a dream of warning you to change your ways, or take charge of a situation, before it reaches the dismemberment stage.
A dream of a divorce, whether you are in a courtroom or not, is a warning that you must change your ways and learn to compromise rather then demand, or your marriage is in danger of divorce. A single life of frustration is that of a woman who dreams of a divorce because of cheating lovers.
A dream of a divorce, whether you are in a courtroom or not, is a warning that you must change your ways and learn to compromise rather then demand, or your marriage is in danger of divorce. A single life of frustration is that of a woman who dreams of a divorce because of cheating lovers.
A dream of dogs is usually a fairly good omen. A dog barking happily shows that you will have a pleasing social life. A friendly, happy dog shows that you have lots of good friends. A dog barking and snarling fiercely at you shows you have some unfriendly friends, and also, if the dream dog is big and powerful, as well as friendly, shows that you have a very powerful protector.
A dream of dogs is usually a fairly good omen. A dog barking happily shows that you will have a pleasing social life. A friendly, happy dog shows that you have lots of good friends. A dog barking and snarling fiercely at you shows you have some unfriendly friends, and also, if the dream dog is big and powerful, as well as friendly, shows that you have a very powerful protector.
Dolls represent childhood to women, and 'dolls', represent women to men. To get the most accurate interpretation possible about a doll dream you must study the dream as a whole, but, generally speaking, the doll in your dream is a probable omen of the wish to be young again, or to meet someone exciting, (for the male). If your doll comes to life, you are expressing in your dream state the wish to be different, and blameless for your actions. This dream takes meditation for clarity.
Dolls represent childhood to women, and 'dolls', represent women to men. To get the most accurate interpretation possible about a doll dream you must study the dream as a whole, but, generally speaking, the doll in your dream is a probable omen of the wish to be young again, or to meet someone exciting, (for the male). If your doll comes to life, you are expressing in your dream state the wish to be different, and blameless for your actions. This dream takes meditation for clarity.
Dolphins are highly intelligent mammals, and as such represents the mental attributes and accomplishments involved in the dream itself. It also denotes that the dreamer has made some giant strides upward through the use of his mental faculties, and, if the rest of the dream bears it out, a dolphin is like a pat on the dreamers back with a well done thrown in for good measure.
Dolphins are highly intelligent mammals, and as such represents the mental attributes and accomplishments involved in the dream itself. It also denotes that the dreamer has made some giant strides upward through the use of his mental faculties, and, if the rest of the dream bears it out, a dolphin is like a pat on the dreamers back with a well done thrown in for good measure.
The symbol of peace and love herald the end of disagreements. Dreaming of white doves foretell a happy domestic life filled with peace and tranquillity. A flock of doves means that you will soon welcome home an old friend, and if you hear doves cooing, your love will be returned, but, if you hear turtle doves you will soon hear some disheartening news.
The symbol of peace and love herald the end of disagreements. Dreaming of white doves foretell a happy domestic life filled with peace and tranquillity. A flock of doves means that you will soon welcome home an old friend, and if you hear doves cooing, your love will be returned, but, if you hear turtle doves you will soon hear some disheartening news.
If you dream that a dragonfly lands on your body then you will have excellent news from someone far away from home. If you see a dead dragonfly, then the news will be bad. A dragonfly perched gracefully on some other object shows that you will soon be having guests that may be hard to get rid of.
If you dream that a dragonfly lands on your body then you will have excellent news from someone far away from home. If you see a dead dragonfly, then the news will be bad. A dragonfly perched gracefully on some other object shows that you will soon be having guests that may be hard to get rid of.
To dream that you are dreaming is usually the effect of excessive worry and in one dream the dreamer wakes up to find that things are all straightened out until, lo and behold, the sleeper finds it is yet another dream. It is not uncommon to have more then two levels to a dream, the main reason hear is fear, and worry, over life's circumstances. There is no interpretation for this dream as it is not a symbol, it is condition of the state of the emotions of the dreamer.
To dream that you are dreaming is usually the effect of excessive worry and in one dream the dreamer wakes up to find that things are all straightened out until, lo and behold, the sleeper finds it is yet another dream. It is not uncommon to have more then two levels to a dream, the main reason hear is fear, and worry, over life's circumstances. There is no interpretation for this dream as it is not a symbol, it is condition of the state of the emotions of the dreamer.
If you dream that you are driving a vehicle it is a sign that you should be careful to take no chances with your money, such as gambling, in the next two weeks or so. If someone else is doing the driving you will find yourself in luck, money wise. To dream of driving in the driving rain must be interpreted by using the condition of the rain, either murky or clear, to get a better meaning.
If you dream that you are driving a vehicle it is a sign that you should be careful to take no chances with your money, such as gambling, in the next two weeks or so. If someone else is doing the driving you will find yourself in luck, money wise. To dream of driving in the driving rain must be interpreted by using the condition of the rain, either murky or clear, to get a better meaning.
To dream that you drown or in the midst of drowning is a bad omen as it pertains to the health of your business and partnership activities. If you die, your business will fail and a great loss will occur for you but if you are rescued and revived, then you will have a good friend step in and save your business. Other aspects of this dream deals with your relationships and can be interpreted as with a business.
To dream that you drown or in the midst of drowning is a bad omen as it pertains to the health of your business and partnership activities. If you die, your business will fail and a great loss will occur for you but if you are rescued and revived, then you will have a good friend step in and save your business. Other aspects of this dream deals with your relationships and can be interpreted as with a business.
To see ducks swimming on clear water shows that you will have a lucky journey, possibly over water. On a farm, if you see a white duck, it presages a good harvest and prosperity. if you hunt a duck you will soon lose your employment, and, if you shoot ducks you have enemies working against you. To see ducks flying in your dream is an omen of good luck pertaining to your marriage and/or your family.
To see ducks swimming on clear water shows that you will have a lucky journey, possibly over water. On a farm, if you see a white duck, it presages a good harvest and prosperity. if you hunt a duck you will soon lose your employment, and, if you shoot ducks you have enemies working against you. To see ducks flying in your dream is an omen of good luck pertaining to your marriage and/or your family.
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