Dreaming of reading or telling fables may mean you have many pleasant tasks before you or that you have a strong interest in writing. Religious fables mean you have, or will have, a deep devotional feeling toward God. To dream you are living a fable may mean that you are pretending too much and you should face the truth, or it may mean you have an inner wish to escape a situation you find uncomfortable in your daily life.
Dreaming of reading or telling fables may mean you have many pleasant tasks before you or that you have a strong interest in writing. Religious fables mean you have, or will have, a deep devotional feeling toward God. To dream you are living a fable may mean that you are pretending too much and you should face the truth, or it may mean you have an inner wish to escape a situation you find uncomfortable in your daily life.
To dream of seeing your own face in a mirror denotes some type of trouble ahead for you. To see happy, smiling faces show that good luck will reward your efforts. A dream of weird, leering faces is warning you of potential danger to your person, or misfortune will dog your steps.
To dream of seeing your own face in a mirror denotes some type of trouble ahead for you. To see happy, smiling faces show that good luck will reward your efforts. A dream of weird, leering faces is warning you of potential danger to your person, or misfortune will dog your steps.
A brightly burning pile of fagots show you will win out over all those who oppose you. If you dream of the fagots giving off a thick smoke then will your enemies get the better of you. Anothers actions will bring harm to you if you dream of walking on them, but if they do not burn you the harm will be negligible.
A brightly burning pile of fagots show you will win out over all those who oppose you. If you dream of the fagots giving off a thick smoke then will your enemies get the better of you. Anothers actions will bring harm to you if you dream of walking on them, but if they do not burn you the harm will be negligible.
To dream of failure is a dream associated with fear of being inadequate and a fear of not having a winning personality. To dream of failure in a business means you are letting fear cloud all your dealings and must change this or suffer a real loss in revenue. A woman who dreams of failing in love will if she does not change some of the things she has been doing and become more self reliable.
To dream of failure is a dream associated with fear of being inadequate and a fear of not having a winning personality. To dream of failure in a business means you are letting fear cloud all your dealings and must change this or suffer a real loss in revenue. A woman who dreams of failing in love will if she does not change some of the things she has been doing and become more self reliable.
In a dream shows you are performing such activities or engaging in a lifestyle that is ruinous to your health. It is a warning to change while you are still able-bodied. If you see a family member faint it is a sign that you will hear of indiscreet activities on the relatives part.
In a dream shows you are performing such activities or engaging in a lifestyle that is ruinous to your health. It is a warning to change while you are still able-bodied. If you see a family member faint it is a sign that you will hear of indiscreet activities on the relatives part.
If you dream of attending a fair this denotes that you will have much pleasantness in your life. To win prizes at the fair indicates a true love that will make you happy for the rest of your life. If you lose a game this means that the companion you have chosen will turn out to be the wrong one for you.
If you dream of attending a fair this denotes that you will have much pleasantness in your life. To win prizes at the fair indicates a true love that will make you happy for the rest of your life. If you lose a game this means that the companion you have chosen will turn out to be the wrong one for you.
If you should dream of a beautiful, happy fairy you will have much joy and happiness in your own life in pleasant surroundings. Should the fairy be sad, this denotes a loss of love or money, or both.
If you should dream of a beautiful, happy fairy you will have much joy and happiness in your own life in pleasant surroundings. Should the fairy be sad, this denotes a loss of love or money, or both.
If you dream that your lover is faithless to you this will mean that she or he will always be faithful. To dream of faithless friends show they have you in high regard. This is a dream of opposites. Whatever the context take it the other way.
If you dream that your lover is faithless to you this will mean that she or he will always be faithful. To dream of faithless friends show they have you in high regard. This is a dream of opposites. Whatever the context take it the other way.
If you dream of an Indian fakir who is able to cloud the mind to show you many wonders then will you be in danger of being duped by an ingenious person known or unknown to you. To just see a fakir shows that you will have many changes in your life.
If you dream of an Indian fakir who is able to cloud the mind to show you many wonders then will you be in danger of being duped by an ingenious person known or unknown to you. To just see a fakir shows that you will have many changes in your life.
To dream that you are hunting with a falcon shows that you are in danger of ruining your business reputation by being too aggressive and bringing harm to others. To see a falcon on the wing shows that you will become an object of jealousy.
To dream that you are hunting with a falcon shows that you are in danger of ruining your business reputation by being too aggressive and bringing harm to others. To see a falcon on the wing shows that you will become an object of jealousy.
If you dream you are falling but you are not frightened or harmed shows that you will meet with adversity but overcome it with ease. If the fall greatly frightens you then will you under go a major struggle in life. If you are injured in the fall you will lose many friends.
If you dream you are falling but you are not frightened or harmed shows that you will meet with adversity but overcome it with ease. If the fall greatly frightens you then will you under go a major struggle in life. If you are injured in the fall you will lose many friends.
If you dream of famous people this portends that you will soon see an increase in your prosperity and a rise to you own place of honor. If you dream of yourself having fame and fortune then you must take the dream in reverse and expect disappointments in your field of endeavors.
If you dream of famous people this portends that you will soon see an increase in your prosperity and a rise to you own place of honor. If you dream of yourself having fame and fortune then you must take the dream in reverse and expect disappointments in your field of endeavors.
If you dream of a large family this means that your fortunes in life are looking up, but if the family is unhappy or bickering it will denote the opposite for you. It would mean the same if the family is an animal family. If the family is very sad expect some adverse reactions in your financial structure.
If you dream of a large family this means that your fortunes in life are looking up, but if the family is unhappy or bickering it will denote the opposite for you. It would mean the same if the family is an animal family. If the family is very sad expect some adverse reactions in your financial structure.
Dreaming of feathers can have as many interpretations as there are feathers, depending on their actions, their colors, the type of bird that furnished them and where they were found. Try correlating all the know factors to glean the real answer from your dream. Generally though, A dream of many feathers floating in the air denotes a mighty stroke of good luck to your finances, while ornamental feathers denote an increase in social affairs; if you brush them off, you will have many small joys.
Dreaming of feathers can have as many interpretations as there are feathers, depending on their actions, their colors, the type of bird that furnished them and where they were found. Try correlating all the know factors to glean the real answer from your dream. Generally though, A dream of many feathers floating in the air denotes a mighty stroke of good luck to your finances, while ornamental feathers denote an increase in social affairs; if you brush them off, you will have many small joys.
Again, the interpretation of feet depend on the action in the dream. Generally speaking: Washing the feet denotes freedom from worry, itching feet means you will walk on new land (travel), to see a strangers feet means you will meet someone new, hurting feet denote family problems, cold feet denote a reluctance to go through with something, losing your feet shows unexpected problems, children's feet bring small worries, large feet shows that you have good health, small feet brings many small worries.
Again, the interpretation of feet depend on the action in the dream. Generally speaking: Washing the feet denotes freedom from worry, itching feet means you will walk on new land (travel), to see a strangers feet means you will meet someone new, hurting feet denote family problems, cold feet denote a reluctance to go through with something, losing your feet shows unexpected problems, children's feet bring small worries, large feet shows that you have good health, small feet brings many small worries.
A dream of a fence is a straight out obstacle dream and can only be used in the interpretation as action and content define. It is a symbol of being hemmed in, confined, restrained and otherwise prevented from going where one would want to go. It also a symbol of protection of property, self, and possession. A fence between you and another person could be saying to that person, "this far and no further".
A dream of a fence is a straight out obstacle dream and can only be used in the interpretation as action and content define. It is a symbol of being hemmed in, confined, restrained and otherwise prevented from going where one would want to go. It also a symbol of protection of property, self, and possession. A fence between you and another person could be saying to that person, "this far and no further".
Fighting is a no nonsense dream of change, and the dream itself will have to point to the area of your life that will be changed. This signifies a change in job, or a change of enterprise if you own your own business. The degree of change can be determined by how hard you fought, and if you won or lost the fight. If you dream of others fighting it is telling you to be more careful with your financial dealings, and watch your spending.
Fighting is a no nonsense dream of change, and the dream itself will have to point to the area of your life that will be changed. This signifies a change in job, or a change of enterprise if you own your own business. The degree of change can be determined by how hard you fought, and if you won or lost the fight. If you dream of others fighting it is telling you to be more careful with your financial dealings, and watch your spending.
A fire is also a complex omen in a dream and must be interpreted in light of the actions connected with it. To see a house burning down in a dream is the warning that a close relative needs help from you desperately. If the fire burns you, you will have bad luck, if not, then you will have good luck. A small fire in the fireplace shows contentment in the dreamer, but if you stir it with a poker you will soon have a romantic adventure. If you manage to put out a destructive fire then you will overcome the obstacles in your path of life.
A fire is also a complex omen in a dream and must be interpreted in light of the actions connected with it. To see a house burning down in a dream is the warning that a close relative needs help from you desperately. If the fire burns you, you will have bad luck, if not, then you will have good luck. A small fire in the fireplace shows contentment in the dreamer, but if you stir it with a poker you will soon have a romantic adventure. If you manage to put out a destructive fire then you will overcome the obstacles in your path of life.
To see live fish in a dream is very much good luck unless the fish was carp, in which case it is a warning against subjecting yourself by your actions to criticism. A fish swimming in clear water is an omen that you will acquire personal wealth and power. but to see a dead fish as in a market is an omen of disappointment. Cooking and eating fish, except carp, indicates your present endeavors will meet with success.
To see live fish in a dream is very much good luck unless the fish was carp, in which case it is a warning against subjecting yourself by your actions to criticism. A fish swimming in clear water is an omen that you will acquire personal wealth and power. but to see a dead fish as in a market is an omen of disappointment. Cooking and eating fish, except carp, indicates your present endeavors will meet with success.
If the flood was gentle and the water clear you will soon see an end to all the worries that have been plaguing you about a certain matter. but if the water was angry and muddy this denotes that you will have great trials and tribulations in life. If the water does not drown you, you will eventually win out over your adversaries. If you are swept away by the flood, then that is a warning that someone is trying to use you.
If the flood was gentle and the water clear you will soon see an end to all the worries that have been plaguing you about a certain matter. but if the water was angry and muddy this denotes that you will have great trials and tribulations in life. If the water does not drown you, you will eventually win out over your adversaries. If you are swept away by the flood, then that is a warning that someone is trying to use you.
To dream of floodlights shows that you want to throw a lot of light on a subject and get everything out in the open where it can be seen and understood. A floodlight that burns out shows that you will be kept in the dark about certain things, but if you replace the bulb, you will uncover all the secrets.
To dream of floodlights shows that you want to throw a lot of light on a subject and get everything out in the open where it can be seen and understood. A floodlight that burns out shows that you will be kept in the dark about certain things, but if you replace the bulb, you will uncover all the secrets.
Represents your base, your support, the thing that supports you so you can walk through your house (life), and anything you dream concerning a floor must be considered in that manner in relationship with the rest of your dream. If you are cleaning, polishing, shining, repairing, or in some manner improving your floor is an omen that foretells of success in your endeavors to gain in the business world or to improve your standard of living. A slanted floor foretells that you are deviating too far from your original plans and that is not conducive to attaining your goals
Represents your base, your support, the thing that supports you so you can walk through your house (life), and anything you dream concerning a floor must be considered in that manner in relationship with the rest of your dream. If you are cleaning, polishing, shining, repairing, or in some manner improving your floor is an omen that foretells of success in your endeavors to gain in the business world or to improve your standard of living. A slanted floor foretells that you are deviating too far from your original plans and that is not conducive to attaining your goals
To have many annoying flys around you foretells of petty problems and quarrels with your relatives that amount to nothing more then aggravation.
To have many annoying flys around you foretells of petty problems and quarrels with your relatives that amount to nothing more then aggravation.
If you dream you are flying so high that you can actually touch the moon and stars this portends many different types of global disaster that you may soon hear of. If you fly high with black wings you are warned that you are headed for a let down of magnitude. Flying dreams are normally a good omen and if the flight is pleasant, with no worries and anxieties, you can look for happiness and plenty to follow.
If you dream you are flying so high that you can actually touch the moon and stars this portends many different types of global disaster that you may soon hear of. If you fly high with black wings you are warned that you are headed for a let down of magnitude. Flying dreams are normally a good omen and if the flight is pleasant, with no worries and anxieties, you can look for happiness and plenty to follow.
If you dream that you got lost in a big forest it is an omen of financial gain, if you are poor and lost, but you will experience loss if you are affluent. A stroll through a beautiful green forest with tall trees show that you will have a period of hardship followed by release from worry and then success in your endeavors.
If you dream that you got lost in a big forest it is an omen of financial gain, if you are poor and lost, but you will experience loss if you are affluent. A stroll through a beautiful green forest with tall trees show that you will have a period of hardship followed by release from worry and then success in your endeavors.
If you dream that you keep forgetting something, it is a warning that you may have forgotten something, an appointment or a date, that is important enough to your life to merit the intercession of your subconscious mind. This is serious enough to warrant your immediate attention.
If you dream that you keep forgetting something, it is a warning that you may have forgotten something, an appointment or a date, that is important enough to your life to merit the intercession of your subconscious mind. This is serious enough to warrant your immediate attention.
If the dreamer goes to a fork in the road and sees a big oak tree this indicates that there is an important decision that must be made which will change his or her life and should be considered with much care. If the fork in the road is just ordinary then the dreamer will have a decision to make bearing on important matters, but not necessarily a matter to change ones life.
If the dreamer goes to a fork in the road and sees a big oak tree this indicates that there is an important decision that must be made which will change his or her life and should be considered with much care. If the fork in the road is just ordinary then the dreamer will have a decision to make bearing on important matters, but not necessarily a matter to change ones life.
to dream of being stabbed with a fork or seeing someone stabbed with one is a warning to guard your statements in order not to lose status and prestige. If you see someone eating with a fork it denotes that the dreamer may be cleared of all his present worries through the intervention of a friend.
to dream of being stabbed with a fork or seeing someone stabbed with one is a warning to guard your statements in order not to lose status and prestige. If you see someone eating with a fork it denotes that the dreamer may be cleared of all his present worries through the intervention of a friend.
A well filled, and merrily trickling fountain is a sign of prosperity and luck. If the fountain you dream of is old, or clogged up, then you will have a few setbacks that could bring you a short period of poverty.
A well filled, and merrily trickling fountain is a sign of prosperity and luck. If the fountain you dream of is old, or clogged up, then you will have a few setbacks that could bring you a short period of poverty.
If you dream of good friends in a congenial and happy setting then you will soon here good new of them or a close relative. If they exhibit staunch friendship for you in your dream then all your current activities will be successes. If you see them as sad or unhappy you will receive news of an illness.
If you dream of good friends in a congenial and happy setting then you will soon here good new of them or a close relative. If they exhibit staunch friendship for you in your dream then all your current activities will be successes. If you see them as sad or unhappy you will receive news of an illness.
If you dream of eating frogs then you will find very little to gain in current relationships and losses associated with love affairs. If you dream of catching a frog then the carelessness you exhibit concerning your health and well being will greatly distress those who care for you. If you see frogs in a low marshy area this is a sign of ill luck and losses. Seeing frogs in clean, green grass denotes the making of an even tempered friend and confidant.
If you dream of eating frogs then you will find very little to gain in current relationships and losses associated with love affairs. If you dream of catching a frog then the carelessness you exhibit concerning your health and well being will greatly distress those who care for you. If you see frogs in a low marshy area this is a sign of ill luck and losses. Seeing frogs in clean, green grass denotes the making of an even tempered friend and confidant.
Cultivated fruit, such as and orange, is a lucky omen and promises a period of growth followed by fruition (financial gain) if it is ripe. Green fruit denotes that you will work harder, and longer then others, and may not attain to the goals that you have set for yourself unless you make some changes.
Cultivated fruit, such as and orange, is a lucky omen and promises a period of growth followed by fruition (financial gain) if it is ripe. Green fruit denotes that you will work harder, and longer then others, and may not attain to the goals that you have set for yourself unless you make some changes.
If you are dreaming of frustration it represents some things in your life that you find hard to cope with, and the frustration is coming out in your dream. Try to pinpoint the cause of your unrest by looking up all the dream symbols that you can remember and that should clear the matter up.
If you are dreaming of frustration it represents some things in your life that you find hard to cope with, and the frustration is coming out in your dream. Try to pinpoint the cause of your unrest by looking up all the dream symbols that you can remember and that should clear the matter up.
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